Monday, April 22, 2013

2 weeks from surgery

Decided to record this for the next round ie. the other hip.  Im 54 yr of age living in New Zealand and have had bilateral arthritis -had the first one done on 9th April - spent 3 nights in hospital and then home.  The surgery was great - no drain or cathater or sticthes and have very little brusing at all.
Im walking with aid of cructhes and doing all physio exercises.  I can walk a short distance without crutches but am not wanting to push as my aim is for a complete and successful recovery so that I can get on my bike and tune my body up for the next one - which Im planning for August.  So that is 3 months away.

A bit sore in my outer leg - feels like a build up of lactic acid - but everything else is just fine.
I look forward to being able to walk - as towards the end of the thing it was not very pretty and no good be crumpy all the time.  Immediately since surgery I have had a far more positive attitude!!

Walked 450m with the add of crutches in the morning

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