Thursday, May 23, 2013

6wks +3days

The problem now is that Im iching to go - but the "other" legs is now the big issue.  Arthritic pain all over again - ot the extent that I am not really noticing the opperated on.  Resurting to crutches again due to pain and pills.  I guess just a pain management exercise till August and the next one !

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


All good with the operated leg BUT - now the other is given me greif - so booked in hopefully for August for the procedure. Still a little swelling and tenderness - more numbness aaound the wound but generally execellent.  Will begive cycling soon

Surgeon explained the movement to avoid is twisting with bent knees.

Monday, May 13, 2013


Have been walking unassisted for the last 4days - but slow due to pain in my unoperated leg.
The last few days been cutting our hedges which mean climbing ladder and walking on a plank and using hand tools.
Drive a couple of times this week.

Surgeon appt next Monday and hope to get back onto my bike to start training again.
Have riden but very short with no resistance to see what position the legs are in - all good.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

4wk + 1day

Finally much better after the prick of a flu!
Today i commit to the hiking sticks and get back into the routine of the physio

Monday, May 6, 2013


Well Ive been sick for the last few days - due I hope to some sort of viral infection.
Was concerned that I had an infection but 3 doctors I have seen think it is very unlikely but am taking a course of antibiotics anyway - just in case..

A bit of a set back.
Ive bought hiking sticks to help with walking but havent really used them yet

At last sleeping on the side on my treated leg.

Friday, May 3, 2013

3wks +4 days

Worst day yet
bugger all sleepast night
have headache and generally sore
not good .......